Multicoloured mondays
A warm welcome to Multicoloured Mondays.
24th August 2020
Circle Dance in your home to videos by Bethan, Stefan & friends
This is a free ‘lockdown’ gift following on from ‘Heartstrings’,
Once a new video is posted it will remain available online for the duration of Covid-19 restrictions and safeguards.
Our first selection is one of Stefan’s earliest choreographies - a popular, carefree dance called Carousel.
Click on the following link:
The music was adapted and elaborated by Stefan from ‘Tales of The Unexpected’, and is performed entirely by Stefan, multitracking on melodeon (button squeezebox), keyboard, guitar and recorder.
Here’s a related quote from the upcoming book Dance Wise:
A fortunate life is like being on a fairground carousel. There’s a lot of excitement in the ride, as the horses constantly go up and down. You have a strategy for staying balanced through the highs and lows. You gain the confidence and mastery to face challenges.
However, following a series of traumatising experiences it may be that an individual will lose that inbuilt confidence to deal with the ebbs and flows of life. Sometimes frozen, sometimes completely overwhelmed. The neural pathways to recovery seem to have been severed.
Many of us have golden memories of certain parts of our childhood, because we had the ability to be completely captivated and lost in the moment. The carousel symbolises an inner freedom that I believe many people experiencing post-traumatic stress long to come back to. To be able to enjoy the ride and take the ups and downs in their stride again.
[the book goes on to illustrate how dancing can help to restore joy and resilience]
To view all Multicoloured Mondays videos, and previous Heartstrings videos click through to Dance Videos.
24th August 2020
Circle Dance in your home to videos by Bethan, Stefan & friends
This is a free ‘lockdown’ gift following on from ‘Heartstrings’,
Once a new video is posted it will remain available online for the duration of Covid-19 restrictions and safeguards.
Our first selection is one of Stefan’s earliest choreographies - a popular, carefree dance called Carousel.
Click on the following link:
The music was adapted and elaborated by Stefan from ‘Tales of The Unexpected’, and is performed entirely by Stefan, multitracking on melodeon (button squeezebox), keyboard, guitar and recorder.
Here’s a related quote from the upcoming book Dance Wise:
A fortunate life is like being on a fairground carousel. There’s a lot of excitement in the ride, as the horses constantly go up and down. You have a strategy for staying balanced through the highs and lows. You gain the confidence and mastery to face challenges.
However, following a series of traumatising experiences it may be that an individual will lose that inbuilt confidence to deal with the ebbs and flows of life. Sometimes frozen, sometimes completely overwhelmed. The neural pathways to recovery seem to have been severed.
Many of us have golden memories of certain parts of our childhood, because we had the ability to be completely captivated and lost in the moment. The carousel symbolises an inner freedom that I believe many people experiencing post-traumatic stress long to come back to. To be able to enjoy the ride and take the ups and downs in their stride again.
[the book goes on to illustrate how dancing can help to restore joy and resilience]
To view all Multicoloured Mondays videos, and previous Heartstrings videos click through to Dance Videos.