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Artwork by Loïs Cordelia: www.loiscordelia.com
Worldance is like having a wardrobe of a thousand colourful costumes, some velvety, some outrageous, some impressive others humorous, to try on. The keynotes are celebration, rapture and community.
Some of Stefan's workshops also include a deeply peaceful element. Here the dancing at times becomes like a moving mandala. Participants may find a dimension of inner peace such as can be experienced in Yoga or meditation. At the same time there is a sense of physical security and connection with others, interlinked in the circle.
World Dance, when this gentler, harmonious aspect is featured, is widely known as Circle Dance or Sacred Dance.
Some of Stefan's workshops also include a deeply peaceful element. Here the dancing at times becomes like a moving mandala. Participants may find a dimension of inner peace such as can be experienced in Yoga or meditation. At the same time there is a sense of physical security and connection with others, interlinked in the circle.
World Dance, when this gentler, harmonious aspect is featured, is widely known as Circle Dance or Sacred Dance.

Bernhard Wosien, Polish born choreographer from Germany, founded the global circle dance movement. He saw dance as an avenue for community building, spiritual experience, pleasure and psychological development.
The richness this has brought to so many - including Stefan and Bethan - is beyond description.
Stefan travels the world leading dance and other workshops from complete beginner to advanced levels as well as celebrations and festivities incorporating live music and displays. Their dances use evocative music from all continents.
Take a look at what past participants have to say about Worldance events.
Stefan employs a "feel good" approach which includes people of all ages and abilities learning stylish sequences to strong, earthy rhythms. No prior experience or partner is required. The participants get to meet each other, have a delightful time and a good "shake out" while encountering contemporary and traditional dances from places as diverse as Uzbekistan, Algeria, Japan and Wales.
He is widely celebrated for vivid choreography, fiery, playful, poignant or ceremonial.
Stefan is passionate about developing dance to promote connection and harmony between people of diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds. They played a key role in a Middle East Peace conference (IFLAC London 2002) and a humanitarian educational congress (SEAL, Derby 2002), an international NVC conference on conflict and communication (London, June 2004), the Scouts International Jamboree (Chelmsford, August 2007). In 2005 and 2008, Stefan led "peace, culture and dance" events in Israel. In 2009, together with Nomi Sharron, Ken masters and ten others they founded DANCING THROUGH WALLS. The aim is to explore in depth how circle dances can contribute in peace and reconciliation processes. And to develop new formats in which dance and other creative arts combined may help in trauma release and conflict transformation. In this they are inspired by the Spirit of Peace network, co-ordinated by Jane Ozanne.
Stefan is also an avid cultural researcher and dance collector; Stefan's degree is in Social Anthropology.
The richness this has brought to so many - including Stefan and Bethan - is beyond description.
Stefan travels the world leading dance and other workshops from complete beginner to advanced levels as well as celebrations and festivities incorporating live music and displays. Their dances use evocative music from all continents.
Take a look at what past participants have to say about Worldance events.
Stefan employs a "feel good" approach which includes people of all ages and abilities learning stylish sequences to strong, earthy rhythms. No prior experience or partner is required. The participants get to meet each other, have a delightful time and a good "shake out" while encountering contemporary and traditional dances from places as diverse as Uzbekistan, Algeria, Japan and Wales.
He is widely celebrated for vivid choreography, fiery, playful, poignant or ceremonial.
Stefan is passionate about developing dance to promote connection and harmony between people of diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds. They played a key role in a Middle East Peace conference (IFLAC London 2002) and a humanitarian educational congress (SEAL, Derby 2002), an international NVC conference on conflict and communication (London, June 2004), the Scouts International Jamboree (Chelmsford, August 2007). In 2005 and 2008, Stefan led "peace, culture and dance" events in Israel. In 2009, together with Nomi Sharron, Ken masters and ten others they founded DANCING THROUGH WALLS. The aim is to explore in depth how circle dances can contribute in peace and reconciliation processes. And to develop new formats in which dance and other creative arts combined may help in trauma release and conflict transformation. In this they are inspired by the Spirit of Peace network, co-ordinated by Jane Ozanne.
Stefan is also an avid cultural researcher and dance collector; Stefan's degree is in Social Anthropology.
Specialist workshops include:
with Stefan
- Gypsy (Rom) Dances
- Mediterranean Dance (Greece, Turkey, Armenia )
- E. European Dance (Bulgaria, Romania & Russia )
- Canaan Confluence (Arab & Hebrew dances)
with Stefan
- Dancing through walls (for peace building or intercultural groups)
- Dancing the elements (exploring earth, water, fire & air)
- Kalimba (creative movement to African and world music)
- Salsa (fiery Cuban partner dance)
- Rueda (the wheel: a salsa mixer)
- Bachata (sensual S. American partner dance)
- Live your vision
- Compassionate touch
- Group leadership
- "Tribe" (drama, voice, movement, exploring identity)
- Creative drumming
- World harmony songs
More About STEFAN
Along with his partner Bethan was among the first sacred/circle dance teacher in the U.K. He teaches both traditional dances and his own outstanding choreography. In response to the group his dances range from fiery and passionate to deeply mystical.
Stefan creates dances to explore many dimensions and moods of contemporary world music. He plays a colourful diversity of folk instruments.
Stefan creates a festive atmosphere, transmitting stylish sequences with clarity and humour. He supports and encourages dancers at all levels.
Events are strong on atmosphere and include songs and live music.
Periodically he is joined by his in house band, Dark Flame with sax, fiddle, clarinet, shawm, flute, charango, accordion and vocals. Stefan also leads dance celebrations with Brighton based band, Labyrinth.
Read some of Stefan's articles and poems.
Links to other teachers around the UK and the world.
Along with his partner Bethan was among the first sacred/circle dance teacher in the U.K. He teaches both traditional dances and his own outstanding choreography. In response to the group his dances range from fiery and passionate to deeply mystical.
Stefan creates dances to explore many dimensions and moods of contemporary world music. He plays a colourful diversity of folk instruments.
Stefan creates a festive atmosphere, transmitting stylish sequences with clarity and humour. He supports and encourages dancers at all levels.
Events are strong on atmosphere and include songs and live music.
Periodically he is joined by his in house band, Dark Flame with sax, fiddle, clarinet, shawm, flute, charango, accordion and vocals. Stefan also leads dance celebrations with Brighton based band, Labyrinth.
Read some of Stefan's articles and poems.
Links to other teachers around the UK and the world.